

Department : Civil Surgeon , Tarn Taran


Head of the office



Contact Number

Dr. Gurpreet Singh Rai

Civil Surgeon


Second in Command



Contact Number

Dr. Kirandeep Kaur

Assistant Civil Surgeon


Scheme -1 of the Department

Name of the scheme

Description & norms of the scheme

Name of the Contact Person

Mobile No . of the Contact person

Reproductive,child Maternal health  jsy family planning l, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health , Child Health, Maternal Health,  and Immunization.( JSSK.RkSk, , iMMUNIZATION, iodine deficiency disease. RBSK

Health systems strengthening (HSS) focusing on infrastructure, human resources, supply chain management, and referral transport measures.

Prioritization of high-impact interventions for various lifecycle stages.

integrated monitoring and accountability through good governance, use of available data sets, community involvement, and steps to address grievance.

(1).DFWO- Dr. Des Raj mal (2)DIO- Dr Varinder pal

1 DFWO- 9463686501. 2. DIO- 6283583983

Scheme -2 of the Department

Name of the scheme

Description & norms of the scheme

Name of the Contact Person

Mobile No . of the Contact person


1) National Vector Disease Programme. 2)Revised National Tuberculosis Contrl Programme. 3)National Leprosy Eradication Control Programme. 4)Integrated Disease Surviellace Programme. ( Tuberclosis, Leprosy, Malaria, Dengue, Hepatatis A.B.C, HIV Aids

1) NVBDCP – Dr Neha. 2) TB- Dr Sukhjinder Singh. 3) NLEP- Dr swaranjeet Dhawan. 4) IDSP- Dr neha

1. Dr Neha- 9205011226. 2) Dr Sukhjinder – 9988773156. 3) Dr Dhawan-9872072339

Scheme -3 of the Department

Name of the scheme

Description & norms of the scheme

Name of the Contact Person

Mobile No . of the Contact person


1. NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR PREVENTION & CONTROL OF CANCER, DIABETES, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES & STROKE (NPCDCS). 2)National Mental Health Programme. 3) National Programme of Health Care. 4.) National Tabacco Programme. 5) NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE PREVENTION & CONTROL OF DEAFNESS (NPPCD) ( Asthma, Cataracts, Heart, Kidney, Hypertension, Mental Health

1. (NPCDCS) Dr Des Raj Mal. 2) NMHP- Dr Kvita, 3. NTCP- Dr Sukhbir

1. Dr Des raj – 9463686501. 2. Dr sukhbir- 8146295277. 3 Dr padda- 9855156889

Scheme -4 of the Department

Name of the scheme

Description & norms of the scheme

Name of the Contact Person

Mobile No . of the Contact person

Ayushman Bharat-Mukh Mantri Sehat Bima Yojana

Ayushman Bharat – Mukh Mantri Sehat Bima Yojana (AB-MMSBY), was launched on 20 August 2019 this is a flagship State Health Insurance Scheme for the beneficiaires of State of Punjab. AB-MMSBY will provide financial protection to 65% population of state of Punjab. It is entitlement based cashless Health Insurance cover of Rs. 5 Lakh per family per year. Under this scheme,cashless and paperless treatment is available at Government and empanelled Private hospitals

Deputy Medical Commissioner – Dr Ramandeep Padda


Other public Service Provided by the Department

Name of the service

Contact person

Mobile no

Civil Registration System ( Death and Birth)

Dr Sukhbir kaur