Places of Interest
Sri Darbar Sahib

Darbar Sahib
The main religious hub at Tarn Taran Sahib is Sri Darbar Sahib Tarn Taran, built by Sri Guru Arjan Dev JI. It has the distinction of having the largest Sarovar(water pond) of all the Gurudwaras. It is the only Gurudwara which is the replica of Shri Harminder Sahib, Amritsar. Also it is famous for the monthly gathering of pilgrims on the day of amavasya(no moon light).
The Sarovar – One of the largest of the Sikh holy tanks (ponds), it is an approximate rectangle in shape. Its northern and southern sides are 289 and 283 metres (948 and 928 ft), respectively, and eastern and western sides 230 and 233 metres (755 and 764 ft), respectively. The sarovar was originally fed by rain water that flowed in from the surrounding lands. In 1833, Maharaja Raghubir Singh of Jmd had a water channel dug, connecting the tank with the Lower Kasur Branch of the Upper Ban Doab Canal at Rasulpur watermills, 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) to the southeast. The channel was cemented and covered in 1927/28 by Sant Gurmukh Singh and Sant Sadhu Singh. They also supervised karseva, i.e. complete desilting of the tank through voluntary service, in 1931. The operation was repeated in 1970 under Sant Jivan Singh. Most of the bungas around the sarovar have now been demolished and a verandah constructed instead along the periphery. The name Tarn Taran, since appropriated by the town itself, originally belonged to the sarovar, so called by Guru Arjan. Literally it means, “the boat that takes one across (the ocean of existence)”. (Tarana in Sanskrit is a raft or a boat). According to Sikh tradition, the water of the old pond was found to possess medicinal properties, especially efficacious for curing leprosy. For this reason the sarovar was known as Dukh Nivaran, the eradicator of affliction. AKAL BUNGA, a four storeyed building near the Nishan Sahib (Sikh flagpole), was constructed in 1841 by Kanvar Nau Nihal Singh. Maharaja Sher Singh provided the finishing touches. The Guru Granth Sahib, “after a procession around the sarovar amid” chanting of hymns in the late evening, is, brought here for the night’s rest. Manji Sahib, a small domed shrine in the eastern part of the circumambulatory pavement, marks the spot from where Guru Arjan supervised the excavation of the sarovar. A divan hall, a vast pavilion of reinforced concrete, has now been raised close to it.
Gurudwara Lakeer Sahib

Lakeer Sahib
Gurudwara Lakeer Sahib is a very famous and ancient Gurudwara built in the year 1978. It is believed that, during 1757, Baba Deep Singh Ji made a line with his sword and asked followers to cross the line if they are willing to fight with Jahan Khan at Amritsar Gurudwara Lakeer Sahib is situated at the place where a line on the ground was marked by Baba Deep Singh Ji before entering into war against the Mughal Empire in 1757.When Baba Deep Singh Ji came to know about this desecration (via a Sikh from Amritsar who had come to see Baba Ji) he decided that restoring the sanctity of the Guru’s Darbar was paramount and he did Ardas (prayer) with the deepest of conviction that he would sacrifice his head at Harimander Sahib after having successfully liberated the shrine from the enemy. Although seventy-five years old, he still had the strength of a young warrior. He gathered a large group of Sikhs and advanced towards Sri Harimander Sahib. By the time they reached the village of Tarn Taran, about ten miles from Amritsar, their numbers had risen to about five thousand. At this time, Baba Ji drew a line on the ground with his Khanda, and asked only those who were willing to fight and die to cross the line.
Khadoor Sahib

Khadoor Sahib
Gurdwara Khadoor Sahib is situated in the Khadoor Sahib city in Taran Taaran Distt. The Eight Guru Sahibaans with their visits to this place made this land a Holy place. SHRI GURU NANAK DEV JI during his preaching tours, came 5 times to this place. GURU JI used to stay at BIBI BHARAI’s house. During GURU JI’s last tour when BIBI BHARAI requested GURU JI to stay for one more day, GURU JI replied that he would stay for many days & would take rest on this bed only where he was sitting. – SHRI GURU ANGAD DEV JI sat on the throne & came from Kartarpur, Pakistan to Khadoor Sahib on the orders of SHRI GURU NANAK DEV JI & stayed at BIBI BHARAI’s house for 6 months & 6 days & devoted himself to Naam Simran. GURU JI took rest on the same bed regarding which GURU NANAK DEV JI told about. At last BABA BUDDA JI disclosed YOU. SHRI GURU ANGAD DEV JI spent whole of his time as a GURU, for around 13 years, here only by serving his followers with Naam Updesh and at last on March 29th 1552 A.D. , GURU JI Left his heavenly abode at this place. – In the year 1541, SHRI GURU AMARDASS JI came to SHRI GURU ANGAD DEV JI & for around 12 years, with his devotional service, used to fetch a water filled Gaagar early morning from the Beas river Goindwal Sahib, which is around 9 kms away, for GURU JI to take bath. HIS service was acknowledged & hence he got “Gurta Gaddi”. – SHRI GURU RAMDASS JI while going from Goindwal Sahib to Guru Chakk (Amritsar), visited KHADOOR SAHIB as well. – SHRI GURU ARJUN DEV JI while going from Goindwal Sahib to Amritsar, visited KHADOOR SAHIB. – SHRI GURU HAR GOBIND JI after the marriage of his daugter, BIBI VEERO, went to Goindwal Sahib through KHADOOR SAHIB along with his family. Also some scholars of Sikh Panth, after the cremation of BHAI GURDASS JI, spent the afternoon at KHADOOR SAHIB while going to Amritsar. – SHRI GURU HAR RAI JI while going to Goindwal Sahib along with 2200 horse riders, visited KHADOOR SAHIB on the way. – SHRI GURU TEG BAHADUR JI after acquiring the GURGADDI, in relation to the upkeep of the various places related to the First GURU sahibaan, came to KHADOOR SAHIB. – Religious Scholar BABA BUDDA JI spent around 12 years here. Here only BABA JI applied Tilak to SHRI GURU AMARDASS JI when he took GURGADDI. – Great Philosopher BHAI GURDASS JI spent quite a long time here. – Here only SHRI GURU ANGAD DEV JI worked on improvement of Gurmukhi Lippi & wrote the first Punjabi book in rememberence of which GURUDWARA MALH AKHARA has been built. Here only GURU JI got information regarding BHAI PAIRA MOKHA JI from Bala Ji & got the biography written for GURU NANAK DEV JI. Bhai Bala Ji’s grave is built near GURUDWARA TAPIANA SAHIB. Here only did GURU JI took care of the “Baani”(writings in Guru Granth the sacred book of the Sikhs) written by GURU NANAK DEV JI & also wrote his “Baani”.

Nishan e Sikhi
Spread over four acres of land, the eight-storey tower will facilitate a bouquet of religious education, spiritual awareness, cultural understanding, historic information, vocational knowledge, national cohesion and entertainment options. The idea behind Nishan-e-Sikhi was to provide attractive avenues to students, teachers, preachers, professionals, sportspersons and general public in the wake of falling standard of education and decline in values of life in society. “The projects scheduled for the Nishan-e-Sikhi tower have been planned very carefully and are expected to facilitate resources for educationists, learners and professionals to help plan for the future of education in enhancing job orientation and life values.” According to him, the tower, with 80,000 square feet floor area, will have an auditorium, administrative block, conference hall, religious academy, coaching classes for plus one and plus two students, and a library. “The coaching facility for competitive exams like the IAS, the IPS and the NDA are also under consideration,” Incidentally, this is not the only innovative project of Baba Sewa Singh. Earlier, he had been instrumental in setting up a multi-media Sikh museum, the first of its kind in the world, adjacent to Gurdwara Angitha Sahib here.

Harike Wetland also known as “Hari-ke-Pattan”. It is the largest wetland in northern India. It is located in the Tarn Taran Sahib district of the Punjab state. The headworks is located downstream of the confluence of the Beas and Sutlej rivers.